December Bird 2015
All birds with a date stamp of December 2015 onwards should be suitable for outdoor hanging.
Oh yeah? I hear you say…
I’ve made a few minor changes to make this so:
The ceramic has been fired at a higher temperature so it absorbs less water. Having done a soak test and the results are positive and I’ve got a bird hanging outside (as shown) since early June 2016
The backing block has been replaced with exterior ply and sealed it with exterior varnish
I’m working on a more secure way of holding the tile to the wall as I have had requests about placing tiles at the front of a property…this is still a work in progress
Posted , 15 January 2017
Update – I have been regularly checking on this little fella and he seems to be holding up pretty well. He has now had temperature’s in the minus figures as well as frost. Feeling fairly confident he’s outdoor hardy.
Posted, 25 March 2018
Update 2018 – Really pleased to say this chap has been through freezing cold nights and super hot days and is still holding it together.
Posted, 28 December 2023
Update – Still solid and holding together.